New Life, New Passion

New Life, New Passion
The past few years I have been in a funk. I'm generally a happy person but I spent my life raising my children while going to school to better our lives and then moving into the work force. And I did it. I got two degrees while raising two young children. I worked through the ups and downs that come from being a single parent. And there were lots of ups and downs, let me tell you. I got a job and worked hard to continue to move up the ladder and I did well and got promotions.

I raised the kids to be functioning adults while working through some serious stuff with each of them. Things that I thought would literally kill them and likely break me. But we all three made it out the other side. And then the kids did what I raised them to do. They became independent and moved on. And left me to wonder, “Now What?”

Yes, I am a searcher, always searching for the next thing. Some call it ‘shiny object syndrome’ and let me tell you – I have it BAD!!! And this was no different.  So, I took a chance and moved to a new job in a new state thinking that would be just the ticket to jumpstart this new season in my life. And it worked...for a bit.... But like most things, external changes can only take you so far.  Dammit, you've got to change internally if you want it to really stick.

And then, a year in to my new ‘shiny object life’, in my new 'shiny object job', in my new 'shiny object state' we have a global pandemic and go into lockdown!!! Now I’m really thinking, “Now What?” To be honest, I was actually thinking, “What the ever-loving F&%K do I do now?!” I mean I had just started to make some friends.

So, for the first part of the pandemic, I did what everyone else did. I sat at home alone (remember the kids have moved on the little brats) and was depressed and ate too much and watched my already obese body get even more obese. And then in July I decided I had damn well had enough of all of this. And I did something about it. I tried another weight loss thing – yep, I’ve tried many over the years (shiny object syndrome, remember) but still my hopeful self was just that, hopeful, that this time would be different.

And guess what? It FREAKING WAS!!!! And it freaking IS!!!! It’s been 9 months, and it didn’t just change my weight, it has changed my entire life. It freed me up in a way I never imagined. It allowed me to reignite my passion again. The passion I kind of lost along the way while parenting, getting an education, getting a job, and just being in survival mode. all. the. damn. time!

Now, it’s turned in to not only a passion project, but a way for me to help others in the same situation to find their way out to the other side. In a less than a year, my entire life has changed. And all I see now are possibilities ahead of me.

Are you looking to change your outlook on life and find your passion again?  I'd love to help you. Reach out to me and let's see what we can do together.  You've got it in you, too - I know it.  

Check out some of the blog posts I've done about my weight journey:
Foray into Fasting
What is Fasting?
Fasting Works - Who Knew?

Diet? Fork That!!!!!

Diet?  Fork That!!!!!
Hello friend. You might have seen a blog post I did several months ago titled "My Foray in to the World of Intermittent Fasting and Hypnosis - Oh My!" where I explained that I had jumped in to the intermittent fasting world and was going to see where things went.

Well, here I am, 9+ months later and it is going great!!!! Like I seriously could not be happier with my results. To date I have released 58.2 pounds, and a combined 33 inches in my hips (7.5"), waist (8.5"), bust (8.5"), thighs (5"), calves (2"), and arms (1.5").

And I’m not done yet. I have a bit of weight left to release before my daughter’s wedding next April and I have no doubt I’ll hit my goal and be confident in my mother-of-the-bride dress!!!  Here's a great comparison photo with today on the left and my before photo on the right.  Can you see a difference?  Maybe I should have measured my face!!!!! :-) 
And I did this without giving up the foods I love and without buying any bottles of pills or supplements, gross shakes and pink drinks, expensive pre-packaged Frankenfoods (you know the ones that really cannot be called "real" food), and no crazy exercise regimens (in fact I just barely started exercising again), and I actually saved money in the process!

And the non-scale victories have been amazing. My acne is not an issue for the first time since puberty (I'm 50), my energy levels are off the charts, my brain fog is gone, my joints no longer hurt, and my knees no longer sound like Rice Krispies when I walk. In fact, the joint pain and crackling knees got better within about 2 weeks of starting.

It has literally been the best thing I have ever done, and it is so F&$%ing easy. It is a lifestyle that I will never stop because it works, and I feel so much better than I ever thought I would.

I am one of those people who loves to share what I am doing with the world and this is no different. In fact, after friends were commenting and asking what I was doing I decided I could benefit others by sharing what I did and helping others break free from the yo-yo dieting world too. So, I created a course and a coaching program to do just that.  We have a private Facebook group and group and one-on-one coaching where you get lifetime access.  Yep, you pay once and I'll be your coach forever.  

So friend, are you ready to finally get off the diet rollercoaster, cut the strings on yo-yo dieting once and for all, and take back your L*IF*E? I sure hope so.  

Book a call with me today and let’s see if this is right for you.  

Book Now

I also have a free Facebook group where I share tips and tricks on how to live a life of balance, growth, and purpose while still being a real person.  We call it Oatmeal, Not Quite Granola - because hey, we can't all be perfect.  Check it out HERE!  

Check out this post explaining the basics of intermittent fasting:

What Is Fasting?

What Is Fasting?
What Is Fasting?
There are quite a few different reasons why you may be considering a fast. Often our first step into fasting is ordered by the doctor for a particular test or medical procedure. Or maybe you’ve read about the health and spiritual benefits of fasting and are interested in giving it a try.

By definition fasting is willing abstinence from food and drink. Different people fast differently. Some will take a little food or nutrition in the form of juice; others will stick to only water, black or green tea, or black coffee during for the duration of their fast. I personally do what is considered a "clean fast" meaning I only have water, black coffee or green tea, and nothing else during my fasting window.  Because you are either fasting or you are not.  

Fasting for Spiritual Reasons

Fasting has a long tradition in all major world religions. The idea is that the removal of food and with it the worrying about food preparation helps you turn inward. Fasting is used as a way to meditate, pray and get closer to a higher being based on your faith.

In Christian faith, fasting is used as a tool to atone for sins and bring us closer to God. Quite a few Christians will fast for 40 days during lent (the 40 days leading up to Easter). In other faiths - Native American and yogic traditions come to mind; fasting allows the person to reach a higher level of spiritual awareness and is used to gain visions. No matter what your faith, your soul and mind can benefit from a fast.

Fasting for Health

There’s been a lot of talk in the alternative health industry about the benefits of fasting. The basic idea is that if we abstain from food for a period of time, our bodies move energy from processing the food we eat to maintenance mode. The idea is that when food is scarce, our body does everything it can to keep us in good shape to go out and hunt and gather.

Without food in your system, your body shifts to burning fat for energy, resulting in fat loss. This shift away from burning sugar for energy also helps with insulin levels and certain types of fasting (in a controlled environment under the supervision of your doctor) can help reverse diabetes. In addition, fasting has been shown to lower blood pressure and bad cholesterol levels. There is even healing on a cellular level going on.  It's called autophagy, and we will discuss this in future posts.  

Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent fasting is a particular type of fasting where you go for long periods of the day without food, but end up having one or two meals. In essence you’re extending the period of time you usually go without food (while you’re sleeping) by several hours to give your body a chance to switch into fasting mode with all its health benefits.

Unlike traditional fasts where you go without food and most drink for three or more days, intermittent fasting still allows you to eat during a smaller window in your day. Other forms of intermittent fasting have you fast for one or two days per week, eating normally the rest of the time. Either method is a good alternative to traditional fasting and often easier to do and maintain will going on with our everyday life.

Next time we will learn more about some of the different ways to fast (and I'll share more about my favorite).  

Check out this blog on how I got started as an intermittent faster and my first experience with hypnotism. 

Ready to learn more and see if how intermittent fasting can improve your overall health, help you reach and maintain a healthy weight, and increase your energy?  Book a Discovery Call today!!!

Tell Me MORE!

Two-Story Houses and Growth

Two-Story Houses and Growth
When I was a young child I wanted to live in a two-story house more than anything.

Maybe it was because I grew up relatively poor and it seemed like people on TV, like the Brady's or the Bradford's, were this ideal family and the two-story house was just this pinnacle of finally having the good life.

You know - money, a functional family without alcoholism and co-dependency, enough food, and a family that truly cared for each other. And let's be honest, a housekeeper like Alice on the Brady Bunch as a bonus family member wouldn't hurt.

It's funny the things we pick as an ideal in our youth and how those change as we grow older and more wise.

I've lived in a couple of two-story houses since my childhood. The reality is, it didn't change a thing in my life. Because those things are just that...things.

I've accomplished a lot in my life. Most of it, on my own.

I'm a first-generation college graduate and hold an advanced degree. Both of which I earned while raising two young children - on my own. Sure, I had super supportive friends, but when push came to shove, I did it by myself, because I was the only one there at 2 am while one of my children was sick.

I singlehandedly raised my children to be independent and to think for themselves.  And they grew up to do just that. And they are both amazing individuals who I'm so proud of. We didn't always have money, in fact, we rarely had money, but we were together and we survived and succeeded.

I worked hard after I graduated and moved up in my career. Not the accounting career I envisioned, because my kids came first, but one I'm good at. I've finally reached the level I've been striving for - a Director-level position. To get there, I had to leave all I knew, move to a new state, and start over.

But that is what I do. I reimagine my life and I make the change. I did it when I got divorced, I did it when I moved to go to school, I did it again when I moved for a new job.

And what I've learned as I've gotten older, and hopefully wiser, is that ideals and dreams change, and we can change with them, or we can get stuck in what we think is ideal, without ever doing anything about it.

I'm back in a two-story house right now. It's a rental, because at this point I can't yet afford to buy again, but that's OK. It's just a step on my road to the next thing. But after spending 30 minutes vacuuming the stairs this morning I do still want a housekeeper!  And actually,I never want another two-story house again, ifI can help i. 😂

So, what are your dreams from childhood?  Are they different now that you are an adult?  It doesn't matter, either way, as long as you keep growing. 

And if you ever want to come vacuum my stairs, just let me know! 🤣

A Well Trained Dog - Or Dog vs. Nutria Saga

A Well Trained Dog - Or Dog vs. Nutria Saga

A Well Trained Dog


Dogs are our link to paradise. They don't know evil or jealousy or discontent. To sit with a dog on a hillside on a glorious afternoon is to be back in Eden, where doing nothing was not boring .... It was peace. - Milan Kundera

It is certainly a lot more fun for you to have an obedient and trained dog. Not only that, but trained dogs, are happier dogs. They are less likely to get into fights with other dogs and will tend to socialize better with dogs that they meet in public.

It is particularly important to have a well-trained dog if you have young members of the family or children in the neighborhood. Just like having well-behaved children, a well-trained dog makes for a happier household.

Here is what happened today.  I took my dog (who let's be honest, could be better trained herself) on a walk at lunchtime.  Come down the street and see two young boys - maybe about 9 years old calling their dog and two other adults (not related to the boys) standing around this tree.  Come to find out, the boys were walking the dog and it saw a nutria (aka - a rodent of unusual size) and the dog gave chase, pulling the leash out of the boys hands.  The dog got the nutria cornered under a tree and that is when I showed up.   

Picture a big overgrown tree with branches all the way to the ground, nutria up in the branches at the base of the and the dog just waiting and barking between the fence and the tree, all surrounded by bushes.  All on the side of a road that can have quite a few cars going by, even during the pandemic.

Yep, a recipe for potential disaster.

One concern is that the nutria would finally swipe at the dog as they can be quite mean and injure a dog quite badly.  Or that the nutria would run out to the street and the dog would give chase and get hit by a car. 

None of us could get close enough to grab the leash, and of course we adults who did not know the dog or the kids didn't want to risk an agitated dog biting us, either.  Or getting bit by a nutria for that matter.

Eventually I convinced the boys to call their mother to come help.  They were quite concerned they would be in trouble.  Mom came finally and after another 10 minutes finally convinced the dog to leave the nutria alone and come to her.  Of course, the dog was just as afraid as the kids that it was going to be in trouble so it basically crawled out on it's belly to the mom.  

So, what is the moral of this story?  The more control you get of your dog when they are young, the better for all.  Maybe if the dog was better trained it would not have pulled from the kids, or it would have come when called.  In all honesty, my dog Twinkle would have reacted exactly like this and she would not have come when called either.  Why?  Because I did not do a good job training her when she was a pup.  She is 7 years old now and is better, but I have taken a much more firm hand with her since moving to a place where she has to be walked more often near nutria, ducks, crows, and other dogs.  

The time that you spend training your puppy initially will impact on the pleasure you can get from your dog for the many years of its life.

Taking the time to train your dog will strengthen the bond you have together and this will ensure a long and happy friendship where both you and your dog benefit. Considering the amount of time that you will be with your dog the time involved in training is minimal and well worthwhile.

There are a few basic commands that need to be mastered and they are all relatively simple. These commands are...

Down: this is where you teach your dog to lay down on command, and is one of the main aspects of any successful training program.

Heel: this is where you teach your dog walk beside you at the same pace without pulling on the lead. Twinkle is a puller by nature. I have found that with her I have to still use a 
pronged collar to keep her from pulling. Not to mention, a dog that pulls too much can damage their trachea.  

Learning the 'No' word: this is a particularly important word for your dog to know and can save you a lot of trouble. In fact it is probably one of the most important aspects of training, if you can get your dog to understand and respond to the word no. Personally I use the term 'Leave It' and have found that to be more successful for me.

It can certainly save you a lot of trouble in the future.

Sit: sit is one of the most basic of all dog training commands and is one that you'll want to teach from the outset to maintain control of your dog's behavior.

Stay: and finally 'stay' - this is important to ensure that no matter where you are, you'll know that your dog will stay precisely where you want it. Gotta be honest, Twinkle does not follow this command at all.

If there is nothing else that you train your dog to do beyond these basic commands, it will certainly improve the relationship you have with your dog and the enjoyment and happiness that you and your dog will have together.

It is well worth the time while still a puppy, as it will improve the quality of life for many years to come. Take it from me, I will be much more firm and consistent with my next dog. At least that is the story I tell myself.

Training will also let your dog know that you're the boss and in doing so eliminate many behavior problems.

Dogs that are untrained can often get depressed, despondent, and unhappy and display symptoms of anxiety and confusion.

You are actually giving your dog a purpose in life, where they will get pleasure out of the fact that they are pleasing you.

What are your favorite tips for having a well trained dog?  Share them above in the comments.  

Want more pet and human wellness tips?  Check out my community where I share more great content.  

My Foray in to the World of Intermittent Fasting (IF)…and Hypnosis!!!! Oh My!

My Foray in to the World of Intermittent Fasting (IF)…and Hypnosis!!!! Oh My!
I’ve been hearing about Intermittent Fasting (IF) for a few years, and to be honest, I thought it was a crazy idea.  Mainly because I had no idea what it really meant, but still, I was sure that was not something I would EVER do.  

Fast forward to now. I don’t know about you, but I have tried pretty much every diet known to woman. The first diet I ever did back in the early days was the Cabbage Soup Diet. Did I lose a few pounds? Yep. Was that sustainable over the long-term? Nope. And like every DIET I have tried since then, once I wasn’t being strict and following the P.L.A.N. I gained all the weight back – and then some!

I’ve done them all. Here’s a recap of the ones I have tried over the years (at least those I can remember):
Cabbage Soup Diet, HcG Drops, Weight Watchers, Isagenix, Diet, JJ Virgin Elimination Diet, some weird chalky bark like substance that made you have to use the bathroom immediately, with no notice. I tried to find the name of it, but it no longer shows in my Amazon history. I think it has been pulled from the US market. Probably with good reason.
I am sure there are others I’ve tried over the years that I just don’t remember.

So, what about this IF and hypnosis thing? Well, I met someone in my women’s business networking group who is a hypnotist and focuses on weight loss and smoking cessation. I thought, well hypnosis is one thing I haven’t tried yet. Because let’s be honest. One of the main reasons those other options have not worked for me long-term is because I’m great out-of-the-gate, but when the diets are restrictive I just can’t keep to them long-term. So, I met with her and she explained she uses Intermittent Fasting (IF) and hypnosis. I figured I had nothing to lose – except the weight – so I jumped on board.

The first thing I had to do was homework. What? I thought she would just hypnotize me, tell me what I needed to know, and then voila – weight loss. Guess not.

So, here’s what I am going to do. I am going to chronicle my IF and hypnosis journey here in my blog. The deal is, I don’t know how it is going to turn out. But, if you are interested, I’ll be sharing my journey along the way. My research, my wins, my struggles, all of it. Maybe you’ll learn something too.

For now, you can start with the resources I have used so far or have been recommended to me. In future blogs, I’ll try to recap some of the takeaways from the books as well. As of now, I have completely read Delay, Don’t Deny , and most of The Obesity Code and they are eye-opening.

I will tell you all about my first hypnosis session I just had and my first week of IF (I’m starting Monday, August 3, 2020) in my next blog. Most likely it’ll post a week from the date of this blog. My goal is to post at least weekly, but if anything super exciting happens, it might be more often.

Are you an intermittent faster?  If so, please share with me your tips and tricks.  I am so eager to learn. 

Feel free to leave comments by clicking the word comments at the top. See you next week.

Packing a Punch in the Kitchen

Packing a Punch in the Kitchen

Are you ready for some secret ingredients that have added health benefits, bursts of incredible flavors, and NEVER expire?  YES!  Hold onto your apron and let's get cookin' friends...

Dietary Essential Oils

Essential oils can be for more than just aromatherapy?

First things first.  NOT ALL BRANDS ARE THE SAME.  Actually, all brands are different than what I am talking about.   There is only one company in the world offering a Seed to Seal® standard.  So please do not try this with any brand other than Young Living Essential Oils (YLEO).  

Which oils are the ones that are safe to take internally or cook with?  In the US, this is super simple, there is an entire line of them called Vitality™ Dietary Essential Oils.  Vitality Oils are FDA approved and labeled for internal use and they are just what you need to add elevated flavor to your recipes. 

Grab your favorite cooking spatula and read on for simple pairings to try. 

Perfect Pairings

Okay, what goes with what?

If you know me you know I live by the keep it simple rule.  Don't overthink it and let's find ways to find healthy living for #RealLife. This simple graphic and tips below from our friends at YLEO to keep things easy! 

Avocado and Lime Vitality
The zesty flavor of Lime complements avocados very well.  Add Lime Vitality to your fresh guacamole, tacos, or salad dressing recipe.

Garlic Cloves and Rosemary Vitality
Using garlic and Rosemary Vitality is great to add a robust, herb flavor to potatoes, meat, or homemade artisan bread.

Tomatoes and Basil Vitality
Craving Italian? Basil Vitality will bring any pasta sauce, caprese salad, or bruschetta recipe to life.

Blueberries and Lavender Vitality
Lavender Vitality adds sophistication and many dietary benefits! Add this multifunctional oil to your blueberry muffin, jam, or scone recipe.

Apples and Cinnamon Bark Vitality
Apples and Cinnamon Bark Vitality are a perfect pair! Bring warmth while balancing sweetness and spice. These comforting flavors together will be just the thing for your next baked apples, apple pie, or a hearty bowl of oats.

Which one interests you most to try first?  Stay with me, I've got one of my cheat sheets ready for you below to get you started right with your recipe conversions to start using oils!

Oily Conversion Made Simple
You need less than you think, I promise!

Possibly the most important thing to understand for using the YLEO Vitality Oils is just how much to use.  Say you want to try them with your favorite recipes, how do they convert to dry or fresh herbs and spices?  I am so glad that you asked, generally, the answer is that they are MUCH stronger.  So a little bit will go a LONG way. #AskMeHowIKnow #LessonLearned

Some need so little to replace your prior measurement that they are measured simply in toothpick amounts!  Wow.

Download and print this recipe to add your collection: Vitality Essential Oil Conversion Cheat Sheet.pdf

Did you enjoy this info?  If so I think that you will really enjoy my guide on 3-Ways to a Toxin-Free Home, it can be so simple, let me show you how!  Check it out right HERE.

Water, Water Everywhere

Water, Water Everywhere
Water is necessary for life.   And many of us are good at drinking water, but many of us struggle to get water in to our lives unless it is turned in to tea, coffee, or soda.  And we all know those items tend to be diuretics that only tend to dehydrate us more.  So, let’s learn about the many types of water and pros and cons to each type.  Maybe you’ll find a new favorite to help up your water game.  

The basic types of water are: Tap Water, Mineral Water, Spring or Glacier Water, Sparkling Water, Distilled Water, Purified Water, Flavored Water, Alkaline Water, Well Water - I'm starting to feel like Benjamin Buford Blue (Bubba) from Forrest Gump talking about all the different types of water. And I’m sure I left some out.  

Tap Water: The water that comes from – you guessed it – the tap in your house.  Pros, you are already paying for it, it is easy to get and “they” say it is safe.  Cons – the regulatory agencies and city municipal entities have been known to not be truthful ---Flint, Michigan ring a bell?   Plus, depending on where you live it might not taste so good.  Another factor to consider is the material your pipes are made from and the age of them.

Mineral Water: The water that is pulled from a mineral spring.   Pros – it is said to have health benefits from the minerals included in it including sulfur, magnesium, and calcium.   Many prefer the taste of it over tap water.  Cons: cost is the largest factor.  Oh, and if that water is sold in plastic bottles then you have the risks of the chemicals from the bottle leaching in to the water itself.

Spring or Glacier Water: Claims are that these are bottled at the source of the spring or glacier.  Pros: they should be relatively free of toxins and likely contain minerals as well.  Cons: it is pricey.  And there has been cases made that the water is not “naturally” flowing from anywhere.   In most cases, it is being pumped from a hole in the ground.  Check out this lawsuit  So, you are likely not getting what you are paying for.  Oh, and there is still that pesky plastic bottle problem, too.

Sparkling Water: This is just carbonated water.  Pros: many prefer it to plain water as a substitute for soda.  Cons: many of the sparkling waters on the market contain a lot of sweeteners or sugars.   

Distilled Water: Water that is boiled and then the steam is collected and condensed back in to water.  Pros – It’s good if you are not sure of the water source and it’s what you can find.   And it is great for your ironing as it prevents leaving mineral deposits and other things on your clothing.  Cons – there are no vitamins or minerals, so no real health benefits.  It is thought that water with no minerals can actually pull minerals from where it can to maintain balance, so it might not be good for your body or your teeth.  

Purified Water: Usually tap or groundwater that has been…purified to remove harmful substances.  Pros – great if your water source is contaminated.  Most municipal water sources are technically purified water.   Cons – price in most cases.  Buying it in bottles is pricey.  Buying home systems like reverse osmosis can also be pricey.  

Flavored or Infused Water: Water with flavors.  Pros – Makes it less boring, so people tend to drink more. Cons – often full of synthetic ingredients, sugar, artificial sweeteners that negate any benefits you get from drinking more water.  

Alkaline Water: Water with a higher pH level and contains alkaline minerals and negative oxidation reduction potential (ORP).  Pros – higher pH level can help neutralize acidity in the body.  Negative ORP means that it helps prevent oxidation which is better for overall health.  Cons – too much could reduce stomach acidity too much, lowering the stomach’s ability to kill off harmful bacteria.  

Well Water:  Water that comes straight from the ground and is untreated.  Pros – usually if you have a good well in an area with a safe, pristine aquifer you will love the taste of well water.   Cons – because it is untreated water there is a risk of contaminants like giardia.  
As you can see, there is more than meets the eye, or glass, when it comes to types of water you can drink.   Each person should make their own decisions on what they feel is best for their family.  Personally, I currently use a filtering pitcher to help filter my tap water.  But still, plain water is boring, so I like to use these electrolyte drops, that are sugar-free, all natural, and give the water a big boost of flavor, and help my body by providing key minerals like sodium, calcium, and potassium that help regulate nerve and muscle function, and keep me hydrated at the same time.  So, water doesn’t have to be boring.
Like what you learned, check out my free guide to boosting your immune system

Pupper Tummy Troubles

Pupper Tummy Troubles
UH OH!  Your Pupper has a Grumbly Tumbly!  
It’s bound to happen. Your pup gets an upset stomach.  It might be from something they ate or even just stress.  Seriously, some dogs will eat anything, including things better left not discussed in polite company.  Or some pups just have sensitive stomachs.  That’s my pup, Twinkle.  She also happens to be allergic to chicken, which we can pretty much always avoid, but sometimes she is sneaky and will beg the wrong food from someone who doesn’t know. Then we are dealing with itchy skin and tummy troubles.  Yay!

Obviously, the best way to avoid most tummy troubles in dogs is to have a good handle on what they are eating.  But, situations happen.  Like Twinkle deciding this new state of Oregon and the slugs and other bugs in the ground might be worth a taste.  Yuck!!

Thankfully, I learned a thing or two when she was younger that has been a lifesaver for us.  One, is canned pumpkin. Honestly, they should just hand every new pet owner a can with adoption.  This stuff is a LIFESAVER!  The best part, it works for both diarrhea and constipation!  WIN, WIN!  Usually it only takes 2-4 TBSPs to get good results.  And there is a lot more than that in a can.  So, I take the extra, freeze it in ice cube trays, and then pop the cubes out to a freezer bag or Tupperware and toss in the freezer.  Then next time we have tummy troubles, I just grab a cube or two.  You can soften if needed, but Twinkle likes a pumpkin pupsicle, so she’ll just munch on it frozen.  

Another great thing I’ve started using is a good supplement like NutraThrive.  It’s a bit pricey, but I wait until it is on sale and then stock up.  Another good option is just a probiotic like this one. Both of these products help the gut flora in your dogs stomach and intestines to do the work to digest food properly.  Bonuses, less upset tummies, and less gas!!!  

Finally, I always use my powerhouse DiGize on both me or the pups when we have upset stomachs.  It’s combination of Tarragon, Ginger, Peppermint, Juniper, Lemongrass, Anise, Fennel, and Patchouli oils are a must for tummy troubles.   Just a drop or two rubbed on your or your pup’s abdomen and you’ll be feeling better in no time.  

Don’t forget, good products are worth it.  I wouldn’t just buy any dog food, probiotic, or essential oil for my pups, and neither should you.  Make sure you have vetted the company and know you are getting a high-quality product.   

Wanna learn more content like this?  Join my community of normal people who want to learn about healthy ways to live better for them and their animals.   You won’t find any Instagram models here.  We are real people who love a good pizza just like the dog in the picture!  Come check us out HERE.

Catch you next time.  I'm off to keep on Keepin' It Real -----Cathy

Disclosure: This site contains affiliate links to a few select products I use, enjoy, or recommend. I may receive a small commission for purchases made through these links, and your purchase supports companies and products I believe in.

Emotional Pups – No Fun for You or Them

Emotional Pups – No Fun for You or Them
Emotional Pups – No Fun for You or Them
It’s almost that time of year.  In fact, it might already be in your area.  You know what I’m talking about right?  Either fireworks or thunderstorms.  The times of the year that can be so very hard on your pets, especially dogs.  Read on to find some great tips I’ve picked up over the years of being a pet owner and helping with pet rescue.  
Thunderstorms and Fireworks
Thunderstorms and fireworks can be the bane of dogs everywhere.  Oftentimes, it doesn’t matter if your pup is the best-behaved dog in the world, when the booming of thunder or the bam of fireworks is happening, even the calmest dog can get spooked.  And getting spooked can be dangerous.  Did you know more dogs go missing on the 4th of July (US) and New Year’s Eve than any other time of the year?  

So, what is an owner to do?   
One, don’t ever leave your dogs outside if you know there are going to be thunderstorms or fireworks.   They don’t understand what is happening and they will do anything to get away.  And sometimes, that can be a dangerous proposition if they get out on a road.  Dogs will literally climb or jump 6+ feet fences trying to get away.  

Two, plan ahead.  This means, don’t wait until the event is upon you to figure out what you are going to do to mitigate the fear for your dog.   Get your supplies ready and do some trial runs.  It’ll be less stressful for you both.  

What does planning ahead look like?  
In my house, it means planning a safe space for them, be that a kennel or an interior room.   Yep, I’ve slept in the bathroom many a night with my pups.  It happens less often than before, because now they are used to the items we use and I do my very best to plan ahead and not wait.

One that I always had on hand for Bryndoll (she crossed the Rainbow Bridge this year) was a Thundershirt.   This Velcro contraption wraps them up tight and helps them feel secure.  The issue most people have is they wait too long to put the shirt on the pup or to get them acclimated to it before there is a need.  If you wait until there is a problem, then the dog will only associate the shirt with being scared, and it is less effective.  So make sure you get the pup used to wearing it, and that you put it on well before it is needed.  I always watched the weather reports and if thunderstorms were projected I’d just go ahead and put Bryndoll in it. Same thing for fireworks.  She went in the Thundershirt at least by late afternoon to ensure it was on before the first firecracker went off in the neighborhood.

Essential Oils
Another thing I use is several Young Living Essential Oils.  And yes, they are the only ones I trust for my family and pets.   Again, the trick is to apply them before there is a problem.  The best way to introduce pets to essential oils is to do it low and slow.  Dogs especially have a very keen sense of smell, so too much oil too fast can make them sneeze and might make them less inclined to want to be around them.  What I have found to work best is to take one drop of oil rub it on my hands, and then pet down the back of the dog.  I try to stay away from the ears so the scent doesn’t overwhelm their nose. 

I also will drop some oil on the Thundershirt as well.  Remember, that just like with people, different oils work better for some dogs than others.   In our house, Bryndoll always loved and was calmed by Frankincense the most.  But Twinkle will come running for our Valor blend.  Seriously, if I open the bottle she comes running to get some.   As you can imagine, that is the first oil I reach for when I know there is going to be fireworks.  Other oils that are helpful to dogs are Lavender, Peace and Calming, and Stress Away.  

I hope this gave you some ideas of things to try to help keep your pups calm during stressful times.   And don’t forget, these work just as well for you, too.  We don’t have Thundershirts for humans, but I hear weighted blankets are great!!!

Remember how I said I only trust Young Living Essential Oils?  That’s because they are the only company with a Seed to Seal promise which means they take the utmost care from the selection of the seed all the way through the planting, growing, harvesting, distilling, bottling, and shipping of the products right to your door.  If you want more information on our process check it out here at  And if you want to join me personally in learning more you can contact me HERE and join my community where I teach more about these products, pets, and how to live a bit more naturally HERE.  
Let's all do our part ot keep our pets worry-free this summer.  

Keepin' Real, as always ----Cathy
Disclosure: This site contains affiliate links to a few select products I use, enjoy, or recommend. I may receive a small commission for purchases made through these links, and your purchase supports companies and products I believe in. 

Healthy Dogs – Happy Dog Owner

Healthy Dogs – Happy Dog Owner

Healthy Dogs – Happy Dog Owner

Read along to learn about simple ways to keep your dogs at the peak of health and avoid some serious dangers that are probably lurking in your home right now. At the end I share my recipe for a safe, non-toxic carpet and cat box deodorizer.
Pause and Pay Attention to the Paws
Did you know that dogs absorb everything, and I mean everything through their paws?  And have you ever known a dog that didn’t lick their paws?   Think about it. They walk outside, in the grass, on the sidewalk, everywhere and absorb all the toxins.  I think we all probably understand that.  But did you know, the common cleaners you use in your home are also toxic to your dogs?  So…anyone have a dog always chewing on their paws?  If so, your floor cleaner could be to blame.  

Ingredients such as Methylchloroisothiazolinone, often found in floor cleaners and even many personal care products, is a known toxin and cause of allergies and immunotoxicity.  What is immunotoxicity?  It is defined as adverse effects on the functioning of the local and systemic immune systems.  In layman’s terms, it means it prevents your body’s immune system from working properly.  And the same goes for your dogs.  And since dogs are smaller, toxins can build up in their bodies so much quicker.  I recommend doing a deep dive on the ingredients in your home care products so you don’t have to worry about what your babies – animals and humans alike, are absorbing while just walking around the house.  So what do you use?  I personally use a completely safe cleaner that does everything.  It is my countertop cleaner, my floor cleaner, my window cleaner, my toilet and tub cleaner.  It really is #onecleanertorulethemall!  And the best part: It smells great and it is so concetrated I get up 20 bottles of spray cleaner depending on how I choose to dilute.  Check it out: HERE

And what about those pet fresh carpet and cat box deodorizers?  Most, if not all, of them use a smorgasbord of synthetic chemicals and fragrances to basically mask the odor.  Unfortunately, due to US lobbying efforts of chemical companies back in 1976, most chemicals don’t need to be tested for toxicity, and the word fragrance can include many chemicals that never need to be listed because fragrance is covered by trade secret.  And yep.  Those chemicals are toxic to you and your pets.  Best bet, if the ingredient label says 'fragrance' then stay FAR away.  Click HERE to learn more about how the regulations don't protect the consumer.  

But I have a solution for you.  There is one company I trust that does keep my family and my pets health in mind.  Connect with me HERE to find out more.  

Now for that promised recipe.

Dog and Cat Safe Carpet and Litterbox Deodorizer

Supplies: My favorites are linked for simple shopping
Mason Jar sifter lid or fine mesh screen cut to size 

Take 1 cup of baking soda and add 2 TBSP Diatomaceous Earth.  Mix well.   I usually do this in a larger jar and close up and shake well.  Add 5-10 drops of your favorite pet safe essential oils (I only trust one company for this).  My favorites are Purification and/or Citrus Fresh.  Shake well to combine and let sit.  Then either change out the top of the Mason Jar with the sifter lid or transfer the deodorizer to your smaller jar with sifter lid or mesh screen.  I prefer the mesh screen cut to fit in the top of the ring so you can just put the lid on when not in use and easily remove for shaking.  

Shake on carpets, let sit for ten minutes, then vacuum as usual.   Diatomaceous Earth is very fine so I do find I need to empty my vacuum container a bit more often.  But that's ok by me.

For cat boxes, I keep a jar ready to go right next to the cat box and give a small sprinkle at each cleaning.  

Bonus: Diatomaceous Earth also helps control fleas.  So not only will your house smell great, safely, but you will have a built-in flea control measure as well.  

Want to learn more great tips like this?  Then you'll love my community of people who are living #reallife and learning along with us.  Check it out HERE.

Until next time I'll keep on keepin' it real.  I hope you do the same.----Cathy

Disclosure: This site contains affiliate links to a few select products I use, enjoy, or recommend. I may receive a small commission for purchases made through these links, and your purchase supports companies and products I believe in.

Natural Ways to Deal with Chaos

Natural Ways to Deal with Chaos
Right now, we all feel a lot of chaos in our lives.  Between what is going on in the world surrounding the pandemic, the working from home, unemployment, becoming the teacher you never wanted to be – and let’s not forget a toilet paper shortage - we’ve all probably felt like we are not in control of our lives.  That feeling is normal under these circumstances.  I know I’ve felt the stress and just wanted to crawl back in bed and forget about it all for a while.  And you know what, that’s okay to do.  But, we can’t live in that realm forever, because we have to still live our best life.  So, what do you do when all you want to do is…nothing?  How do you make sure you stay healthy, while staying home?  

Turn off the news –
The best thing, is to turn off the news and get off the chaos bandwagon.  Not gonna lie.  That is hard to do right now in a time when we crave connection.  Social media helps us easily feel connected to people we miss, but it is so easy to get caught up in that news cycle of gloom and doom.  My recommendation is to set a timer, and when it goes off, you get off the computer or phone, off Facebook or Twitter, and do something else.  Play a game, you know the real kind with cards or that comes in a box with pieces and a gameboard.  Build real connection with your family.  And if you live alone, then at a minimum play a real game with a real live person.  The internet is a great place, when you set limits.   

Get outside –
Take a walk in nature if you can.  If you live in the city and your parks are open, go to a park and get some fresh air.   If you have a dog, they will love exploring a new location, too.  If the weather permits, take off your shoes and socks and feel the grass or dirt beneath your feet.  This is a concept known as “earthing” and it is thought that the connection with the Earth allows free electrons to be taken up into the body which helps your body deal with stress, improves sleep, and can even help reduce pain in just 30 minutes a day. Check out this book on Kindle or in paperback to learn more about earthing.  And then I’d love to hear what you find when you try it.

Do something just for you –
This can be something as simple as just taking a relaxing bath with your favorite essential oils and some Epsom Salts.  Or curling up with your favorite book and your favorite blanket in your favorite comfy chair with your favorite drink.  It doesn’t matter what it is you do, just do something that allows you to relax and unwind.

Find freedom –
Still need to release some tension or stress?  Need to find a way to overcome other things that might be holding you back? Have goals that you want to reach, but are not sure how?  If so, Aroma Freedom Technique might be just the thing you are looking for.  Using the power of essential oils and common psychological techniques an AFT session can help you break through barriers you didn’t even realize were holding you back.  Click HERE to claim your FREE session today. 
Like what you learned today and want to learn more about related health and wellness topics in a judgement-free way?  I have a community of real people, learning new tips and tricks to help them on their wellness journey.  Join HERE.  

You can also get my guide on easy ways to reduce toxic fragrances from your life.  Grab it HERE!

Dangers of High Cortisol Levels and Tips to Keep It in Check

Dangers of High Cortisol Levels and Tips to Keep It in Check
Dangers of High Cortisol Levels and Tips to Keep It in Check
Cortisol is a stress hormone that is made in your adrenal glands.  Most cells of our body have cortisol receptors which serve to uptake the hormone for a variety of functions, including blood sugar and metabolism regulation, reducing inflammation, and memory formulation.   These are all very necessary body processes, but as you can imagine, too much of this hormone can wreak serious havoc on your body and comes with a host of unwanted symptoms.  Read on to learn a bit more about cortisol and learn some simple ways to manage your levels for optimum health.  

Symptoms of High Cortisol

High cortisol can cause many symptoms in your body.  The most common are weight gain, generally around the midsection and upper back, as well as around the face.  Yay! ☹ Just what we all want, right? Acne is another unfortunate side effect that many people suffer from just when we thought for sure we had left that teenage problem far behind!  Added on to the rounder face and that’s just not a look I am going for, to be honest.  

I can usually tell when I am suffering from high cortisol because one of my first signs is difficulty concentrating.  You know, where you hear the same thing over and over and still can’t make sense of what was said?  That could be “old-timers” but it is likely just high cortisol levels messing with you.   Brain Fog is real and it is no fun!!!!

Other common symptoms are thinning skin and a flushed face – to go with that weight gain and acne.   That’s like the quadruple punch in the face, am I right?  Then throw in some severe fatigue, headaches, high blood pressure, muscle weakness, easy bruising, slowed healing, and irritability and we are a COMPLETE MESS.   And let’s be honest, I’m not sure the irritability is so much a symptom in and of itself so much as the inevitable response to all the other freaking symptoms!!! Geesh!

What Are the Main Contributors to High Cortisol?


Both your hormones and your nerves send signals when you are stressed.  This causes your adrenal glands to release hormones, including adrenaline and cortisol.  Adrenaline and cortisol kick off the flight-or-fight response and increase your heart rate and your energy to get your body ready for a dangerous or harmful situation that needs dealt with.  Cortisol also has the extra job of limiting functions not necessary to fight-or-flight.   Then your hormones will return to their normal levels after the danger has passed.  This is all a good thing, except….
When you are under constant stress and the response doesn’t turn off.  Then the long-term exposure to cortisol and other stress hormones start to create problems for your body.  Problems like obesity, anxiety, depression, and heart disease. 

Medication Side Effects

Many medications can increase cortisol levels. Corticosteroid medications used to treat asthma, arthritis, certain cancers, and other conditions can cause high cortisol levels when taken in higher dosages or over long periods of time.   This includes medications likes prednisone and cortisone which are commonly prescribed.  Estrogen replacement therapy and pregnancy are two other causes of increased cortisol levels.   Of course, you should never stop a prescribed medication without speaking to your doctor, but knowing the side effects can be helpful when having the conversation.

Tips to Reduce Cortisol Levels

Get Enough Sleep

Over time, sleep deprivation causes increased cortisol levels.  Night shift workers are at increased risk for high cortisol ([1]).  Insomnia and interruptions to sleep can also increase levels and disrupt daily hormone patterns ([2], [3], [4]).

Moderate Exercise

Intense exercise increases cortisol shortly after exercise in the short-term, but decrease in the nighttime.  Mild or moderate exercise at 40-60% of maximum effort, however, does not increase cortisol in the short-term, like intense exercise, and it still leads to lower levels at night ([5], [6]).

Eat Healthy Foods

It goes without saying, eating healthy foods is good for you.  There doesn’t seem to be an issue out there that a good diet of whole foods won’t help, and cortisol levels is no exception.   A diet full of fruits and vegetables is good for you.  But guess what?  Studies even show that dark chocolate may be helpful ([7], [8]) as well.  And dark chocolate lovers rejoiced!  
Dehydration can also increase cortisol levels, so drink up. I find that I tend to not drink enough water – come on – it’s boring.  I’ve found a great water additive that I love and that is good for you, too.  

Nutritional Supplements

There are several good nutritional supplements that can help with maintaining healthy cortisol levels.   

Fish Oil

A good fish oil supplement can be a great way to reduce cortisol levels in response to stress ([9], [10]).  

Probiotics and Prebiotics

Probiotics are friendly, symbiotic bacteria found in foods such as yogurt, sauerkraut, and kimchi, as well as in nutritional supplements.  Prebiotics, such as soluble fiber, provide food for these bacteria.   Both probiotics and prebiotics help reduce cortisol ([11]).  The issue is often the levels in the foods or supplements are not high enough to be measurably helpful.  Choosing a good supplement is therefore very important, otherwise, you are just throwing money down the drain…or toilet if we are honest.  So you have to be able to trust the source.

Specially-formulated Supplements

There are supplements on the market that are specially formulated to work with the body to reduce cortisol levels.  One I trust is a combination of pregnenolone, lipids, black cohosh, DHEA, clary sage, and high-quality essential oils known to help the body manage cortisol levels.   When I am feeling the effects of stress, I add this supplement to my daily supplement regimen for about 8 weeks and the brain fog, bloating, and tiredness melt away.  

Essential Oils

Many essential oils have a positive effect on cortisol levels.  Researchers found that the inhalation of lavender, ylang ylang, marjoram, and neroli decreased blood pressure and salivary cortisol levels ([12]).  Other oils such as basil, bergamot, rosemary, and orange are also helpful.  The important thing to note in the study linked above is that participants who smelled artificial fragrance had no improvement.  So, trusting your oil source is important, as many oils on the market are actually artificial synthetics!  Read below for a free roller bottle blend.  

Cortisol and Stress Reducing Diffuser Blend

Combine the following oils in a cold-water ultrasonic diffuser for stress relief:
4 drops Lavender
3 drops Ylang Ylang
2 drops Marjoram
1 drop Neroli


As you can see, maintaining healthy cortisol levels is important and there are some simple steps such as getting more sleep, moderate exercise, eating healthy, and nutritional supplementation that can assist you in keeping your cortisol levels in check.   

Remember what I said about trusting the source when we talked about probiotics and essential oils?   It’s true.  Not all supplements are created equal and not all essential oils on the market are even made from plants.  Just like I am sure you would rather get your produce from a local source where you can trust the process as opposed to vegetables that were grown on industrial farms with chemicals and picked too early and shipped too far, right?   Lucky for you, I have a source I trust for oils, supplements, and so much more – one where I can even tour the farm and speak to the workers.  How cool is that?  Want to learn more?  Contact Me.

If you liked this content you are sure to love my FREE GUIDE on Boosting your Immune System.  

I’ve put together a welcoming community for people who are just looking to learn healthy tips together in a real, authentic way.  JOIN US.

Until next time - Keep on Keepin' It Real - I know I will.  ~ Cathryn

Boost Your Immune System & Get Sick Less Often With Natural Remedies

Boost Your Immune System  & Get Sick Less Often With Natural Remedies

With all that is going on in the world, now is the time to make sure your immune system is in tip-top shape. Here are a couple of simple ways to give your immune system a much needed boost.

Elderberry Syrup

Elderberries and elderberry preparations are a popular remedy in traditional medicine. Taking elderberry syrup at the first sign of a cold or flu infection could help prevent the infection from developing. A placebo-controlled, double-blind study (here) showed that 93.3% of flu patients given Sambucol (a formulation of elderberry extract) were completely symptom-free within two days. 

The rich content of vitamin C in elderberry means that elderberry helps improve your immunity and prevent infection.

Researchers from the Cleveland Clinic report that syrups made from elderberries boost the body’s immunity. This means that taking elderberry supplements can help to prevent a cold or flu infection from getting worse. To help keep your immune system strong, doctors recommend taking elderberry along with vitamin C, B6, and E.

Another reason why elderberry syrup and supplements are good for your health is due to the number of antioxidants. Research (here) has revealed that there over 70 different compounds in elderberries that kill off free radicals.

Read to the bottom for a recipe and make it fresh yourself.

Raw, Organic Honey

Raw honey is honey that has not been heated or pasteurized.  It contains natural vitamins, enzymes, powerful antioxidants, and other important nutrients.  The best part - raw honey has natural antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal properties - and it promotes digestive health.  What's not to love about that? 

Other benefits of raw, local honey is that it contains local pollen, which can strengthen your immune system, and even helps reduce pollen allergy symptoms.  Honey really is a powerhouse.

Added bonus - you need raw honey for that Elderberry Syrup recipe coming up. 

Interested in learning more about raw honey?  Check this out: honey

Essential Oils 

Essential oils have long been used to help people stay healthy and above the wellness line.  Thieves® essential oil blend was inspired by the legend of four 15th-century French thieves who formulated and wore a special aromatic combination of clove, rosemary, vinegar, and other botanicals that they believed provided protection while they were stealing. French authorities recognized that there was such value in this mixture that upon the thieves’ capture, they received a more merciful punishment on condition that they divulge the ingredients in their secret formula.

Crafted in the spirit of that legendary combination, Young Living’s one-of-a-kind Thieves essential oil blend can be found in all our Thieves products. Featuring Clove oil, Cinnamon Bark oil, Eucalyptus Radiata oil, Rosemary oil and Lemon oil. Thieves imparts a spicy, welcoming aroma everywhere it’s used.

The Vitality version of this oil is amazing as an immune boosting powerhouse that can used internally. Like in that elderberry syrup recipe coming up!



Elderberry + Wolfberry Super Syrup Recipe       
YIELD: 3 Cups      TIME: 45 Minutes

Add wolfberries, elderberries and water to Instant Pot.  Cover and set manual time for 7 minutes and then allow for natural release method (another 15 minutes or so).  Open and strain the liquid into a glass pitcher.  Yield at this stage is around 4 cups.  Set aside berry solids and pour the liquid back into the Instant Pot and select Saute.  Reduce liquid by half (about 15-20 minutes).  Yield will now be about about 2 cups.

Mix syrup with the raw honey and stir well.  Yield should now be about 3 cups.  Add essential oils and stir. Bottle and store in the fridge in a glass container.  This recipe will stay good for many months.  To prolong shelf life replace half the honey with brandy.

Suggested Use:
Adults take 1 Tbsp per day during the winter cold and flu season.  Increase to every 2-3 hours when you need an extra boost.  Children 1-9 years take 1/2 - 1 tsp per day.  Not recommended for children unde 1 year.

Recipe courtesy of Lindsey Gremont at

Love this info?   You'll LOVE my guide on simple ways to eliminate harmful fragrances from your home.  Check it out right HERE.

In health,


Disclosure: This site contains affiliate links to a few select products I use, enjoy, or recommend. I may receive a small commission for purchases made through these links, and your purchase supports companies and products I believe in. 

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