Pupper Tummy Troubles
UH OH!  Your Pupper has a Grumbly Tumbly!  
It’s bound to happen. Your pup gets an upset stomach.  It might be from something they ate or even just stress.  Seriously, some dogs will eat anything, including things better left not discussed in polite company.  Or some pups just have sensitive stomachs.  That’s my pup, Twinkle.  She also happens to be allergic to chicken, which we can pretty much always avoid, but sometimes she is sneaky and will beg the wrong food from someone who doesn’t know. Then we are dealing with itchy skin and tummy troubles.  Yay!

Obviously, the best way to avoid most tummy troubles in dogs is to have a good handle on what they are eating.  But, situations happen.  Like Twinkle deciding this new state of Oregon and the slugs and other bugs in the ground might be worth a taste.  Yuck!!

Thankfully, I learned a thing or two when she was younger that has been a lifesaver for us.  One, is canned pumpkin. Honestly, they should just hand every new pet owner a can with adoption.  This stuff is a LIFESAVER!  The best part, it works for both diarrhea and constipation!  WIN, WIN!  Usually it only takes 2-4 TBSPs to get good results.  And there is a lot more than that in a can.  So, I take the extra, freeze it in ice cube trays, and then pop the cubes out to a freezer bag or Tupperware and toss in the freezer.  Then next time we have tummy troubles, I just grab a cube or two.  You can soften if needed, but Twinkle likes a pumpkin pupsicle, so she’ll just munch on it frozen.  

Another great thing I’ve started using is a good supplement like NutraThrive.  It’s a bit pricey, but I wait until it is on sale and then stock up.  Another good option is just a probiotic like this one. Both of these products help the gut flora in your dogs stomach and intestines to do the work to digest food properly.  Bonuses, less upset tummies, and less gas!!!  

Finally, I always use my powerhouse DiGize on both me or the pups when we have upset stomachs.  It’s combination of Tarragon, Ginger, Peppermint, Juniper, Lemongrass, Anise, Fennel, and Patchouli oils are a must for tummy troubles.   Just a drop or two rubbed on your or your pup’s abdomen and you’ll be feeling better in no time.  

Don’t forget, good products are worth it.  I wouldn’t just buy any dog food, probiotic, or essential oil for my pups, and neither should you.  Make sure you have vetted the company and know you are getting a high-quality product.   

Wanna learn more content like this?  Join my community of normal people who want to learn about healthy ways to live better for them and their animals.   You won’t find any Instagram models here.  We are real people who love a good pizza just like the dog in the picture!  Come check us out HERE.

Catch you next time.  I'm off to keep on Keepin' It Real -----Cathy

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